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Blackened American Whiskey 750ml Bottle

American Whiskey
American Whiskey 750ml
An exceptionally crafted whiskey produced by Master Distiller Dave Pickerell (of WhistlePig fame) in collaboration with global phenomenon Metallica, Blackened Whiskey is a blend of handpicked, aged bourbon and rye, which is meticulously aged in black brandy casks. Each barrel undergoes a one-of-a-kind aging process, being exposed to low-frequency sound waves from a Metallica playlist curated by the band themselves, which forces the whiskey to penetrate deeper into the barrel to produce a fuller, oakier flavor.
Beverage type:
Blended Whisky
Alcohol Level:
Bottle size:
750ml bottle Single
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Any vintage

About the brand
Open up a bottle and Enter Sandman! When it comes to Blackened Whiskey, nothing else matters... The brainchild of former WhistlePig distiller Dave Pickerell and global phenomenon Metallica, Blackened Whiskey is a budding innovator of interesting and exciting American whiskey. Exposing each barrel to the low-frequency soundwaves of the world's biggest Metal band, Metallica, the band curates a playlist specifically designed to penetrate the barrel and stimulate the whiskey, producing more contact with the barrel which enhances the oakiness and overall fullness of the whiskey's profile. Be it the entry-level American Whiskey, the punchy Cask Strength (bottled at 110.6 proof) or their outstanding collaboration with Willett, the Master of Whiskey Series Rye finished in Madeira Casks, Blackened is fast becoming one of the most exhilarating distillers of bourbon and rye whiskeys in America.
Frootbat Reviews - What our customers say
Ratings & Reviews (1)
Terry F.
Excellent, I was sceptical about blackened but it really does live up to the hype. 8.5/10
Posted on Aug 8th, 2021
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