Originally made in France, luxury vodka brand Grey Goose was actually founded by an American, Sidney Frank; an integral part of the successful marketing of another world-famous brand, Jagermeister. Grey Goose is the collaborative result between Frank and French cognac producer Francios Thibault, a Maitre de Chai, or French Cellar Master. Frank first had the idea of developing vodka specifically for the American market back in 1997, and with the expertise of Thibault - launched Grey Goose later that same year. In order to distinguish their vodka from others on the market, Frank and Thibault choose to produce Grey Goose in France, using natural French spring water and wheat from France for their original recipe. Grey Goose was sold to Bacardi in 2004 and was cited as the highest-selling premium vodka in the US that year. Today, Grey Goose is one of the most recognized brands of select vodka around the world.